AI assistant
to test
marketbusiness ideasunit economyyour success

We present an AI-based algorithm for automatic
data processing to estimate
the market potential of entrepreneurial ideas

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Checking relevant words and their synonyms for relevance in search queries


No need to install programs and save project files, everything works in the cloud


Analyzes demand dynamics and trends, seasonality, and entry points to market while you're enjoying life

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How our algorithm helps you everyday

The algorithm optimizes the search for ideas and generates a report based on quantifying search query frequencies, helping the user evaluate commercialization prospects

✔ Checking the relevance of keywords and their synonyms

✔ Estimation of potential market size

✔ Creating a semantic core for SEO

✔ Forecasting the budget for contextual advertising

For entrepreneurs

Helps you get closer to success

The AI-based analytics module is designed toanalyze the potential volume of individual market segments and forecast demandbased on historical average conversion rates in the online sales funnel by industry

Numbers game

Our AI assistant has proven itself in a variety of industries
Accuracy of analysis
50 %
+ 0 К
Time to analyze
45 sec
Business ideas
12 К


How it works


Perfect solution for entrepreneurs

Check out our demo

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